Learn to love the body you’re in!

“Are you tired of feeling trapped inside your own head and what you think about your body? The negative body image that is causing you to avoid social events and intimacy, shrink away from any kind of attention, and only see the worst in yourself? It’s time to set yourself free.

At Your Unapologetic Life we empower women like you who struggle to accept and love the body they see in the mirror and deeply desire to feel self-love and confidence so that they can put themselves out there without fear of judgment, connect more authentically with people, and make courageous changes. We take you on a transformative journey where you’ll learn to appreciate your unique beauty, set healthy boundaries, and prioritize your well-being from the inside out. You can finally feel safe in your own mind and body, FREE, powerful, and sexy! Schedule a Discovery Call with Morgan to find out how.”

Empowering women to love the body they’re in.

“The worst was when I was on the hard, cold concrete floor of my college dorm room floor. I’d promise myself tomorrow I’d start over, again. Sometimes I wished maybe I wouldn’t wake up and have to continue fighting myself. I grew up cutting out pictures from Seventeen Magazine. I found out if I didn’t eat my stomach felt flatter. I couldn’t keep up with what I thought I should look like and my disordered eating shifted from anorexia to bulimia. I was consumed by calorie counting and mentally tracking everything I did, should do, needed to do. I spent so much time consumed by anxiety and restriction that I missed my life…for years! I wasn’t present. I lost hope that I’d ever be free in my mind and body. I felt isolated and lonely. Why did I care so much about what I looked like? Would it help me be more successful, find a loving partner, or bring me joy? Not a chance. It took me even farther away from those things. I tried multiple therapists, an eating disorder clinic, and a nutritionist. No major shifts. It wasn’t until 2006 when I discovered an exotic dance and fitness studio for women that my life changed. Everything changed for me…forever. Decades later here I am healthier than ever. Happier than ever. FREE of all body image issues and self-doubt. I set healthy boundaries and unapologetically ask for what I want. That’s what I want to bring to you.”



“Morgan pushed me in ways I hadn't been pushed before, but did so gracefully. She gives such a level of care that makes you feel ultimately loved. I can't say that I actually truly loved myself and who I am until I met Morgan. She was my guardian angel when I was desperately in need of one. I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't met her.”

— Sarah F

“Embody and empower the beauty and sensuality of women. Knack for bringing that out in even the most insecure, long time out-of-touch-with-herself woman. It was awesome to watch Morgan work that magic. I have so much respect for Morgan’s sense of adventure, her courage for going it on her own without the need to relay on others to keep her from being scared and lonely. Her ability to take risks is great to share!”

— Joni S

“Morgan has amazing insight, wisdom, and vision far beyond her years. I wouldn't be surprised to find she was a very old soul. Many of these gifts show up in her role as pied piper of a diverse group of women. Not many women can lead women, much all kinds of women of many different ages. She really is a beacon of light with internal beauty that far outshines even her external beauty.”

— Gretchen U